As I was able to attend the meetup the previous week and I was able to network myself to multiple professionals, I was able to attend my second interview with one of the participants. I was able to ask him questions regarding more of the lifestyle that he held as well as his opinions on computer science topics. Some of the questions that I took most influence upon were the statements of: “What has your experience been working with software engineering and artificial intelligence companies and how did you climb the management ladder?”, “What are your opinions on Youtube University when it comes to code?”, and “If you were to relearn code from the beginning, what would you prioritize?”. Excited for what he would mention, I was stunned by his relatable and influential answers. He stated for each question respectively that: Working towards something efficiently is the key to success in not only climbing the management ladder, but also generally everything in life; not just being there for that 5 - 9 but instead enjoying and pushing yourself to show your worth to the company. Youtube university is not as good as a normal university because of its downlook from companies as well as the networking opportunities of college. And finally, for my most interesting question, he stated that the path that I was on is fit, and that I should only grow and keep fueling my interest in computers. In addition to this productive interview, I was able to advance heavily in my OW project; finishing the parent UI and now moving on to the research and refining of my FIGMA project.