About Me
I am currently a Junior at Frisco High School in Frisco, Texas. Concerning professional experience, I have participated in Tiger Rock tutoring, which works with younglings in martial arts. I have also started my non-profit organization that helps comfort the elderly by having musical concerts in their respective retirement homes. I have also been fortunate enough to become an officer in two clubs: Donate to Innovate, and Entrepreneurship Club here at Frisco High School. In terms of experience with my topic, computer science, I have taken two years of intense computer science courses at my school and I am now proficient in Java. In addition, with help from my father, I have learned some C++ and C# in viewing his work. I continue to elevate my knowledge of programming by attempting to create simple apps and projects.
Considering my personal life, I love to play and create music: I have been playing piano for eleven years, and drumming for seven years. I am in my school's band program, where I am center snare and squad leader of my percussion section.
Mission Statement:
My objective for ISM is to fully invest myself into app development of computer science, and be able to connect myself with mentors to further dive into the subject of my interest and refine my computational and extroverted skills. I hope to develop an application that can help the younger generation grow and improve with time management, while also pushing educational content. I want to contribute to making the next generation more cognitive in the epidemic of technology and distractions.